Friday, March 18, 2011

We are who we are..

The college campus of IPFW has thousands of students that walk upon its concreat soil everday. Because IPFW is a campus that most students commute to, there is so little that we know or realize about each other. Now that we are all out of highschool, and moving on into the real world, many of us go everyday without notice of one another becuase we are dragging our feet to even come to class in the first place...So what is the daily life of an IPFW student like? What are their ambitions and goals? Why did they chose IPFW for their college education? Even outside of school, which is my main focus, what are the things we do as college students, when were not attending class, everyone is different so lets dig deep and find out what people are like..we can start with me in the next post :)

1 comment:

  1. I thought your blogs theme was interesting when you first brought it up. It sounds like you're going to feature a lot of people instead of just one -- I'm wondering how everything will tie together.
