Tuesday, April 12, 2011

La La La Life

Well nothing too excited happened in the real world house this weekend. But now we've got spring fever, and we've began to clean the house...or should I say hired someone to clean the house. It is rather unfortunate that we have to spend money on someone to clean the house, but I guess if no one's going to do it, might as well split the cost and fork out ten dollars. When you live in a house full of full time college students who are men, you kind of pray that someone can magically come and clean your house.

So as I'm writing this blog, I begin to realize how privileged I am to be able to go to school, even if it is in the same town as me. I watch way too much reality TV, and I am constantly watching shows on MTV that are rather corruptive, but it makes me realize how good of a person I am, and how much I have going for myself. I always wanted to be on a reality show, but sometimes that can really change your world in a negative manner. Look at the people of Jersey Shore, they aren't bad people by any means, but they submit themselves to looking rather foolish, but I guess 100,000 dollars an episode will buy you anything.

If some of us college students had the opportunity to drop out of school, or take some time off to be apart of a reality show, what would the percentile be? I mean it sounds like the total package, instant fame, money, and possibly a career path built for you for the rest of your life, without the whole college degree. To me it sounds very tempting..what about you?


  1. The thing about reality television fame is that most of the time you are famous for all the wrong reason and only remembered for the embarrassing things that you do, therefore ruining all your credibility.

  2. Exactly Peter. Jersey Shore is great example of people being famous for all the wrong reasons. But I am secretly addicted :/
