Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Real World: Fort Wayne

So let's just say this previous weekend...was very eventful on my part.. or should I say my roommates? Who would have ever thought that I would have the actual live version of MTV's The Real World in my own house? Well, when I moved in here a year ago, I wasn't expecting an episode quite like this one. For the sake of their precious identities I will provide false names during the explanation of this story.

For me a typical weekend consists of working. I usually get up around 630 on Saturday mornings, and 730 on Sundays (yes i know my life sucks) anyways, it has become a regular occurrence lately that my roommates, who come home from the bars/clubs on Friday and Saturday nights, decide it's okay to make as much noise as possible while the princess is sleeping. Once the noise begins, I'm awake along with my dog, who was peacefully sleeping as well. Well this past weekend was on a completely different level of noise disruption. Around 4 AM on sunday morning, I was abruptly awoken to the loud banging noises that were occurring in my kitchen. At first I thought it was the typical wrestling of these drunken idiots, but the noises and voices became louder, and Patrick (my dog) sure wasn't having it, due to his extreme barking. I went downstairs to discover my roommate George was stripped down to just his pants, and had this look of complete craze in his eyes as he was destroying the entire kitchen by slamming the kitchen chairs to pieces on the ground, oh and along with the kitchen table. Of course I panicked because I had no IDEA what was going on, but the other guys were trying to get him to stop, in between laughter. To me this wasn't funny at all which automatically began my loud yelling to stop what they were doing, and call my boyfriend who wasn't home yet. Finally the commotion stopped, and the true story behind George's mental breakdown began with this: Loo and Fred decided it would be funny to awaken their extremely intoxicated friend/roommate by smearing a jelly doughnut on his face, along with putting toothpaste in his hair. Might I add the jelly in this doughnut was burning hot because they figured it would be more practical if they heated it up in the microwave for 2 minutes. Where they got this jelly doughnut is still a mystery to me. Quickly after these games began, Fred and George fell to the ground in a brawl, and soon enough there were holes in the wall, doughnuts and cake everywhere, along with broken kitchen furniture, and a pool table flipped over in the middle of the living room. While this brawl was going on, Loo thought it would be extra funny if he pulled down George's pants while George was attacking Fred, and shove cake up his butt. Don't ask me, but I would probably go mentally crazy as well if someone pulled that fast one on me. The cake up the butt was the last straw for George. And soon enough Loo, George, Fred, and a non-roommate instigator Richard, were screaming and punching eachother non-stop. Thank god it ended before I almost called the police on my own darn roommates. My boyfriend quickly got home, along with my other roommate after I called him in distress. I don't know how they did it but Loo,Fred, George, and Richard had everything cleaned up before my boyfriend and Spiderman got home. If you would have seen the aftermath of this fight, you would have thought a homeless person died in my own house. Yet everything was cleaned up, and then began the scolding of my boyfriend to his fellow roommates about how they needed to grow up, and at this point it was almost 6 in the morning, and I was really tired. For some reason these drunken idiots made up quickly and decided to take a nice trip to McDonalds for breakfast, at 615 in the morning. I will never forget this night, and I can assure myself that if this behavior keeps continuing, I won't be living here anymore. Oh did I mention they also broke a friends 2000 dollar watch? Each of them are planning on splitting the cost of all the damage which will probably estimate to about 500 per person. The moral of this story is don't move in with a bunch of crazy idiots.

I wonder if I'm the only person at IPFW who has to deal with this madness..everyweekend.


  1. So, you're the responsible one on The Real World? Hahaha. Sounds like an eventful night -- I know that if I was tired enough, I'd have started fighting just so I could sleep more.

  2. It might make it easier to read this blog with paragraph breaks (Kristan pointed that out to me on one of mine) :) Other than that, it sounds like a stressful evening! Good luck Lady.
